Pump will not start or blows the circuit

  • Inspect the electrical circuit. This includes checking the fuse, switch, circuit breaker, and the earth. If you are running off batteries, make sure you are obtaining the correct voltage.
  • Check to see if the pump is hot. It could simply have stopped due to the thermal breaker being triggered. Wait until it cools down.
  • If your pump has spent the night in below freezing conditions such as those experienced in some parts of alpine Australia, it could be that the water against the pump diaphragm has frozen causing it to seize. Wait for it to warm up.
  • If you have voltage present at the switch, try bypassing the pressure switch. Does the pump operate?

Pump runs but will not prime and splutters

  • Check you have water in your tank.
  • Check the strainer or inline filter if it has become clogged with debris. This will stop the flow of water to the pump. Simply clean or replace the filter, if you are using a hot water system, air could have built up within your hot water tank producing an air-lock. Release the pressure from your tank. Refer to your owner's manual.
  • Check your plumbing connections. If they have become loose, they may be causing a vacuum leak.
  • Check your hose for kinks have and all valves are functioning correctly.
  • Check your pump is receiving the correct voltage.

Pump rapid cycles

  • The major cause of rapid cycling is restrictive plumbing. This can be restrictive taps and shower heads or kinked hoses.
  • If you are running a water filter, then this should be installed on a separate line feed.

Pump will not shut off or runs when taps are closed

  • Check your plumbing's pressured side for leaks, dripping taps, or if you have a fresh water plumbed toilet.
  • Check your pump is receiving the correct voltage.
  • Check the pump head screws around the pressure switch have not worked loose.
  • Check for debris in the pump.

Pump is noisy or running rough

  • Check plumbing has not worked loose or become kinked.
  • Clean out the strainer.
  • Check to see if your pump is plumbed using flexible hose and mounted correctly? If mounted vertically, the pump head must face downwards.
  • Bleed your plumbing system of any air.

Whitsunday Discount Marine

07 4948 3947

Unit 4, 16 Carlo Drive Cannonvale QLD 4802

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